Getting our organic stevia just right
Our stevia customers will have noticed that all three flavours of our stevia have been out of stock for a while and we wanted to explain why. First up, we should say that this is a great and unique product from Omica Organics - it is the only organic liquid stevia on the market - and being liquid it is more sensitive. Recently Omica changed the formula to make a sweeter version in response to some customers' wishes. However it was then discovered that the new formula was starting to clump together and crystallise, just like honey does, leading to white clouds and crystals which, although not harmful, were unsightly and proved difficult to use with the dropper. It was also a worry for new customers unused to the crystallisation.
So, for the past few months Omica have been trying out a new formula to make an optimal product that tastes good and does not crystallise, and they think they have cracked it.
We are very hopeful of this new formula liquid stevia. It should be available in 3-4 weeks' time, so if you order now, we will send the order out as soon as we receive the stevia. I should add, we are working on creating pre-order button and system on the website, which should be available soon.